
Friday, April 19, 2013

Biaya Kuliah Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Artikel kali ini merupakan lanjutan dari postingan sebelumnya tentang pendaftaran Mahasiswa Baru UNP Kediri,tetapi  Kali ini tentang Biaya kuliah yang terdaftar di Tahun Akademik 2013-2014.Langsung saja guys simak gambar di bawah ini...

Sekian Daftar Rincian biaya Kuliah Di Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri,untuk hasil tampilan lengkap mengenai Rincian biaya kuliah dan Pendaftaran Online langsung saja ke website resmi UNP Kediri.

Good Dial Up Internet

Dial up is a connection made to the internet via a telephone line. However, through the introduction of broadband, dial up internet has seen its number of users fall drastically as these technologies are generally considered faster. Dial up far from dead though and is still used by quite a lot of people. The following outlines a few pros and cons with dial up internet. 

Reasons For :

1. Availability 

Dial up internet access only requires the existing infrastructure of the telephone network and thus remains useful or the only option in remote or rural areas where broadband infrastructure is not prevalent. 

2. Low Price 

Dial up connection is the cheapest method of connecting to the internet and is useful for those on a limited budget since many service providers now offer it, free of charge. The usage is charged according to the telephone tariff with no extra charges because most of the time it is being used in data transfer. 

3. Internet Safety 

Whenever you connect to the internet using a dialup connection, your computer is assigned a new IP address which makes it difficult for a hacker to pin point your computer. With other technologies your computer uses the same IP address, which means you, can become increasingly vulnerable to attack or IP theft. 

Reasons Against :

1. Low Speeds 

Performance can be affected by the poor speed of dial up which is typically 56kbit/s broadband and other fibre optic technologies are a lot quicker than this. It is quite likely that you will not actually reach the top speed of 56kbiot/s as this is the top of the scale and most dial up depends on the quality of the phone line with most connections typically only reaching 40 or 50 kbit/s. Connections can drop to low levels in particularly noisy environments or when the telephone is shared by a large number of extensions. Things such as loading coild and electric fence can also impat the quality of your connection and cause problems depending on how close you are to them. The internet is widely used for many things but one of its most popular functions is online gaming and video streaming, this is made incredibly difficult by dial up internet as the connection is so slow. Streaming is made almost completely impossible by the speed of this connection. 

2. Poor Connections 

Because the technology uses the landline you can suddenly lose your internet connection along with any downloads or streaming media, particularly when the call waiting option is enabled. 

3. Line Busy 

Dial up internet uses a single phone line for data transmission so if you only have one phone line in your home then you will not be able to use it if you are connected to the internet which can be a cause of inconvenience. 

Tricks for Safe Laptop From Viruses

Many of us these days are reliant on our computers for a large number of tasks. From social uses like conversing with friends via Skype and e-mail or catching up with the latest on Facebook, to more important and technical jobs like financial management and business productivity. 

Without our computers then many of us would be somewhat stuck, and most of us will store vast amounts of sensitive personal data on them – all of which makes it absolutely crucial that you use the very best computer virus protection to ensure that a) you can keep working effectively with your computer, and b) your computer is secure and your personal details are safe. Here we will look at a few ways you can keep your computer cleaner and avoid problems before they arrive. 

1. Browse Carefully 

Most computer viruses come from the internet and there are a number of ways this can happen. One of the biggest culprits when it comes to filling your device with viruses is e-mail – and once a piece of malicious code manages to hack into your mail it will then proliferate itself by getting you to message everyone on your contacts list with it. 

As such then you need to be wary of any e-mails that don't sound like your friends wrote it – even if they're the senders. At the same time of course be suspicious of e-mails from unknown senders as these ones could just be malicious. In short make sure that you are general suspicious of all e-mails you don't instantly recognize and make sure you don't open up any attachments. 

Likewise some viruses can come from simply browsing the web, and generally this happens when you're looking at sites that dubious to begin with. Avoid any site with too many pop ups or that's giving away free downloads. 

Other little tips can help you to avoid getting viruses while browsing too. For instance you should make sure that you use a good browser – and some browsers will be more likely than others to protect your PC. At the same time you can make sure to use the right devices and if you do need to surf a site that you don't trust, then you might want to consider doing this with a phone or tablet device which are less prone to picking up viruses. 

Run the Right Software 

Of course your first line of defence when it comes to computer virus protection is just to have the best anti-virus software on your machine which will help to filter anything that comes through and that can eliminate threats once they've been identified. However just having the best computer virus protection software isn't going to cut it – you also need to make sure that you keep it up to date by installing any updates as they come through (so that you have all the most recent virus definitions and don't get infected by something your software hasn't heard about yet) and that you run checks regularly to make sure that nothing slips through the net pun intended.

Importance of The International University

There is without question an imperative importance that education of all kind provides to students. But an international university opens news gates and provides students new opportunities, such as scholarships and internships in some of the most developed and large cities in the world. Through the experience of education, a student has the opportunity to acquire knowledge in the chosen field, skills and develop his/her personality better. A bachelor degree can be obtained in many domains and it is up to each person to apply to a university that provides depth knowledge in a chosen field. And such an university can be Southville Foreign University. 

By attending an international university, students have the opportunity to meet new cultures, to expand their vision and to have more respect towards diversity and develop a higher level of tolerance. By combining several thinking skills, results can be quite impressive and students can interact with each other, change opinions and learn more about themselves. Due to these aspects, there is a high interest for people these days to be part of an international education and to obtain a bachelor degree. The best part is that studies can be continued and the opportunities one has are endless. SFU is mainly focused on offering professional qualifications. 

Universities are part of life and they have the purpose to form grounds for students who want to develop their full potential and be prepared to face the real world, the demands and everything else. They get to meet students from around the globe and be part of exchange programs, to follow extra courses and internships abroad. Such a wide exposure gives students the perfect ambiance to push their limits and to broaden their minds. There is more to it than simply being in a classroom, because there is an entire world out there that can be explored. Choosing an international university is a great step and at Southville Foreign University it can all begin. 

Students can learn much more than just skills and knowledge, as they can become part of a grand academic environment and end up possessing theoretical and analytical tools that will prepare them for the world we live in. By getting a bachelor degree at a certified and well-known university with connections worldwide, there are more possibilities to embrace. After graduation, there is the option to continue the studies or to take a big step and reach a higher level. Nowadays, many universities offer paid internships at reputable companies. It is an opportunity that can’t be missed and it is offered by SFU. 

Nowadays, having an education is essential and there are more opportunities for those with a bachelor degree or those who are attending an university with a good reputation. Companies are looking for skilled people and they are willing to offer better positions in their organisations and better future perspectives. Education is somehow the same as reading books, but even better, because along with constant learning and developing, there is better interaction with colleagues and teachers and knowledge obtained from what others express and experience as well. 

The Education Benefit Profesional

Professionals today are increasingly reeling under the pressures of growing in their job role and meeting the global standards. With jobs getting even more demanding and challenging, professionals today need to learn new skills and brush up their existing ones in order to fit well in their jobs. This knowledge gap cannot be filled by means of on-job training alone. A person needs to get formal training and education in his respective field of work. This would enable him to enhance his skills and become more confident and competent. 

An executive education opens up new avenues for a person who otherwise feels stuck in his job role. It helps an individual get a fresh insight into his field. An executive program provides multiple avenues for advanced learning. A person can expand and add depth to his current knowledge by means of such a course. With more and more options being added every day, a professional from any field has a wide choice of executive courses to choose from. Institutes all over the world have made available a range of courses that cater to the educational as well as skill building requirements of professionals from various professions. These courses effectively inculcate in a person the ability to lead mindfully, effectively, and responsibly. 

Apart from the obvious benefits that executive courses offer, they also help a person broaden his network. An executive opting for such a course joins a community of professionals who come from various backgrounds. This enables him to interact with them up close on a regular basis, get insights into his industry, learn from his experiences, and get an outsider view and expert opinion on various issues being faced by him. 

Not only do executive courses instill confidence in a person, but also illustrate his career dedication to his superiors and peers. A professional certificate from an accredited university can add credibility to his skills. Nothing can solidify a person's business skills and make him stand out from the crowd like an executive education. Executive programs offer the right platform for growth to a person. It is however important to consider that accreditation of the university or institute from which an executive course is being pursued.

 The education is of no value unless there is a strong foundation and reputation of the institute from where it is taken up backing it. The reputation of the institute from which a course is undertaken adds to its value. Employers weigh the education acquired by a professional in terms of reputation of the institute from which the degree is obtained. A reputed college or university affiliation makes the degree worth more. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Tips Kesuksesan Berkarir di Usia Muda

Dalam Pengalaman Hidup pastilah kita menemui apa yang namanya kemudahan dan kesulitan-kesulitan dan mau tidak mau harus kita jalani bahkan kita lewati dengan perjuangan yang tidak mudah juga,pasti ada orang lain dan teman yang mungkin bisa menginspirasi anda untuk mendukung mental berkarir anda di masa depan. 
Untuk menjadi seseorang yang punya mental , anda bukan hanya harus mencapai target tapi melebihinya. Satu kunci yang harus anda pelihara dengan baik yaitu kepercayaan.

Memiliki kepercayaan dengan reputasi yang jempolan bisa melancarkan jalan karir anda. Untuk itu ada beberapa hal yang harus anda perhatikan dan lakukan dengan baik-baik.

Ada jurus-jurus jitu yang bisa anda lakukan untuk mengejar cita-cita anda bahkan melebihi impian anda sebelumnya. Berikut hal-hal yang harus anda perhatikan untuk mencapai kesuksesan dalam berkarir sesuai keinginan :

Anda harus punya nilai tambah pada setiap hal yang anda jalani
Sebagai orang yang optimis tentu saja setiap hari anda harus memenuhi job description tugas kecil yang telah ditetapkan. Ternyata melengkapi semua pekerjaan itu belum cukup membuat anda dianggap sebagai orang yang bisa diandalkan. Yang perlu anda lakukan adalah membuat tugas anda berada di atas standar keinginan kita.

Beri nilai tambah bagi setiap tugas yang anda berikan. Misalkan anda seorang fotografer. Bukan hanya syarat tuntutan gambar saja yang harus anda selesaikan. Tapi coba berikan pilihan ide-ide terbaik anda kepada atasan. Sehingga anda dinilai sebagai karyawan yang kreatif. 
 Biasakan berpikir kreatif ! 

Pandai mencari solusi
Untuk hal yang satu ini anda dituntut untuk selalu bersikap proaktif. Carilah solusi sebanyak mungkin untuk semua permasalahan yang anda jalani. Jangan membawa masalah. Tak perlu berpikir keras untuk mendapatkan solusi terbaik.

Berpikirlah dengan kepala yang jernih tak harus hebat, tapi cukup sederhana. Solusi sederhana akan lebih efisien karena mudah dilakukan dan tak memakan banyak waktu terbuang.

Tugas tambahan, siapa takut!Tak perlu ragu untuk menerima tugas tambahan. Jangan takut dianggap penjilat atau sok sibuk. Semua yang anda lakukan sepenuhnya demi kepentingan bersama saat anda sudah menggenggam suatu pekerjaan. Siapa yang tidak senang bisa berinteraksi dalam dunia kerja yang kian hari semakin meningkat.

Hal ini tentu saja beresiko bagi anda. Anda harus siap kerja lembur untuk menyelesaikan tugas anda dan tambahannya. Jangan lalaikan kewajiban anda.

Mampu Aktif dalam Komunikasi
Ajaklah rekan dalam tim anda untuk bekerjasama. Bekerja secara individual tak menjamin hasil yang terbaik. Jangan sungkan untuk mengajukan ide cemerlang anda kepada tim. Biasanya bekerja bersama bisa menambah ilmu bagi kita. Jika rekan tim kita memiliki ide yang brilian jangan lupa untuk memujinya di depan atasan. Bukankah menyenangkan memiliki rekan kerja yang bisa menerima pendapat orang dan rendah hati.

Selangkah lebih maju
Berpikirlah secara positif dan ciptakan suasana yang menyenangkan ketika anda berada di kantor bersama rekan-rekan kerja anda. Jangan bawa permasalahan pribadi dalam pekerjaan. Jika suasana hati sedang tak enak pakailah baju berwarna terang untuk meningkatkan mood kerja anda.

Anda pun perlu menjadi orang yang dinamis dan mengikuti tren perubahan jaman. Setiap bidang pekerjaan yang kita geluti pastinya mengikuti perubahan jaman. Anda harus siap menghadapi perubahan tersebut.

Profesional setiap saat

Citra diri dan citra perusahaan sangat bergantung pada penampilan anda. Anda tak akan pernah tahu akan bertemu siapa hari ini. Jika sewaktu-waktu ada tamu penting anda pun harus siap. Tapi juga anda harus sesuaikan penampilan anda dengan karakter diri, jangan berlebihan. Ingat kesan pertama itu penting, jika anda siap setiap saat anda pasti akan percaya diri.

Menciptakan Kreasi Baru

Tidak perlu istimewa bahkan mewah seperti halnya orang - orang yang sudah sukses dalam mencapai karir nya cukup mengawali dengan kreasi-kreasi baru , pemikiran baru dan pastainya inovasi baru yang memungkinkan setiapa rekan anda mampu menghargai bahkan memberi nilai plus terhadap kreasi anda.
Itu sudah menjadi awal yang bagus sebelum anda melangkah jauh mengembangkan kreasi-kreasi positif anda yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam perkembangan informasi.

oke,sekian dulu tentang kesuksesan karir yang bisa anda capai dengan hal-hal diatas.
Semoga Bermanfaat.

Salam  SELALU SUKSES ...... GUYS !!!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Best Solution For Choice 3G High Speed

If you are in need of a high speed Internet connection, 3G is the way forward. While it’s been a while since operators have been offering a bouquet of services for computers and smart phones, those have primarily in 2G. However, as the world moves to 4G, we are now fully embracing 3G. 

While BSNL was the first government operator to provide 3G services in India, Tata Docomo was the first private telecom operator to launch 3G services, while Airtel followed with Airtel 3G plans. Other operators like Idea, Vodafone, Aircel, Reliance, have all started their 3G services in their circles. To find out which operator provides 3G services in which circle, 

Some of the most popular 3G plans in the country are offered by 3 of the popular providers in the country. Let’s take a look at these providers’ specific plans: 

Airtel 3G Plans – Airtel is one of the largest private telecom operators in the country. And the company has several different plans that can be opted for at a low price. Airtel 3G plans aim to provide a hi-speed internet environment with a range of services at an affordable price. Airtel 3G plans start at as low as Rs. 45/- for 7 days with 150 MB data limit. Or get 300 MB data for 30 days at Rs. 100/-. 

Airtel’s plans are economical as compared with Vodafone 3G plans and backed by good customer service. 

Idea 3G Plans – Idea, owned by the Birlas, is another reputed telecom provider offering 3G services. From 3G data cards for mobile Internet connectivity to 3G plans for the mobile, Idea 3G plans are popular with students and in the rural areas. There Pay-as-you-go plan is chargeable at 3p/10kb and 300 MB for Rs. 102/- and valid for 30 days. And there is the Rate Cutter plan with price Rs. 53/- and 30 days validity at 1p/10kb. 

Idea is one of the bigger telecom operators but, their customer service needs to improve as does their technology. 

Vodafone 3G Plans – Vodafone, previously known as Vodafone Essar, has lots of 3G plans on offer. Some of Vodafone plans are competitive with comparison to other telecom operators. So they offer a large range of 3G plans to suit every need. 

In postpaid, you can get Mobile Internet for as low as Rs. 100/- for 30 days with 300 MB data. In prepaid, one can get 3G connectivity for as low as Rs. 42/- for 7 days and 150 MB data usage. 

Vodafone offers better connectivity and has a good market reputation. However, their plans may be a little more expensive as compared to other operators’ plans. 

Aircel 3G plans were good until sometime back. But now, Aircel 3G service leaves much to be desired and they are also shutting down their operations in some circles. 

Public School Vs Home School

"Each day, more than 1,200 young men and women give up on their high school education, and, in many cases, on themselves" - so says the AdCouncil. Each day, 1,200 young men and women are becoming a burden to society. In a report done in March of 2006 for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, it was found that one third of all Public High School students failed to graduate with less then 2 years to go. Nearly one half of those were blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans.
 Many students gave personal reasons for leaving school. A third (32 percent) said they had to get a job and make money; 26 percent said they became a parent; and 22 percent said they had to care for a family member. At the end of this article I will show you where to get the rest of this disturbing report.
I am not a fan of the public school system. Not with numbers like... the nationwide grand mean in reading for home schoolers was at the 79th percentile, and the 73rd percentile for language and math. This ranking means home school students performed better than approximately 77% of the sample population on whom the test was normed. 

Nearly 80% of home schooled children achieve individual scores above the national average and 54.7% of the 16,000 home schoolers achieved individual scores in the top quarter of the population, more than double the number of conventional school students who score in the top quarter.
Facts are facts, but commons sense dictates that the public schools just do not work. They keep throughing money at the problem, working on self esteem and incentives while passing out condoms. They took out morals and replaced it with acceptance. They took out accountability and replaced it with food stamps. That's what the government gives in return for your tax dollars. Not to mention the NEA. They are a force in Washington that would rival the IRS. Just mention the word 'school vouchers' and red flags go up while the race cards come down.
Point being that this great country does allow us a means to avoid the peer pressure filled, barb wire lined, police patrolling institutions we call public education. The number of home schools is rising every year, and with that are SAT test scores. The fact that nearly all home schools are Christian based is reason enough to go this route. But even if you took that out of the equation you would be left with flexible schedules, like going year round and taking a week off anytime you like. One on one training and tutoring, a nurturing environment as apposed to one that requires self defense as part of the curriculum.
It is easy to realize that the home school beats public school, and even private schools for that matter. One must consider the time it would take to pursue such a task though, along with the cost. I have found places that get the process rolling for a $75 Registration fee, $25 processing fee, and then $500 - $750 per child, depending on the number of children. These organizations will provide proper paperwork, curriculums, planners, schedules and support to keep it in line with all the various state laws that apply.
For those interested in many more statistics and getting further details on home schools, a good starting piont would be at best school . Included is a fun read call "The Teachers Interview", which will need no explanation.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Jurusan Favorit setelah Lulus SMA

Ruang-ruang kerja para alumnus muda semakin sempit seiring dengan laju globalisme yang semakin cepat. Pemuda yang mudah memperoleh pekerjaan setelah lulus dari perguruan tinggi bisa jadi karena factor kemampuan pribadi ataupun faktor pendidikan. Pendidikan bisa mengikuti tren yang sedang berkembang saat ini sehingga mempengaruhi mudah atau tidaknya seseorang mendapatkan pekerjaan.

saat penentuan jurusan kuliah tentukanlah tekad apakah kita ingin segera mendapat penghasilan dari bekerja atau untuk pencarian ilmu pengetahuan semata, maka jangan asal-asalan dalam memilih jurusan kuliah kita. Memilih jurusan kuliah haruslah berdasarkan kalkulasi prospek pekerjaannya.
Menurut survei yang dilakukan oleh Higher Education Statistics Agency di Inggris, seperti dikutip dari Telegraph, ada 10 jurusan yang alumninya paling mudah memperoleh pekerjaan. Apa saja? Berikut urutan jurusan dari yang terbawah hingga teratas :

10. Fisika

Sekitar 89,9 persen dari seluruh sarjana Ilmu Fisika di rentang waktu 2010-2011 menemukan pekerjaan atau melanjutkan studi mereka paling lambat 6 bulan setelah lulus. Menjadi seorang fisikawan memang bukan pilihan faforit namun kebanyakan perusahaan  terkenal di dunia mencari lulusan fisika sebagai seorang ahli  dalam sebuah divisi.

9. Matematika

Para lulusan Matematika memang terkenal di kalangan pencari pekerja. Menurut survei ini, ada 89,9 persen alumni  Matematika yang lulus tahun 2010/2011 sudah mendapatkan pekerjaan atau melanjutkan studi paling tidak 6 bulan setelah lulus. Mereka yang berasal dari jurusan matematika  rata-rata mengambil profesi sebagai akuntan publik setelah mengambil profesi akuntan, ahli statistik, peneliti dan lain sebagainya.

8. Sejarah dan Filsafat

Sangat mengejutkan jika melihat jurusan Sejarah dan Filsafat merupakan jurusan yang dianggap sama membosankannya dengan Matematika. Namun faktanya, sekitar 90,1 persen lulusannya juga telah menemukan pekerjaan atau meneruskan studi ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi hanya dalam 6 bulan. Mereka sering dengan mudah menyingkirkan pencari kerja lainnya dalam setiap peluang lapangan kerja umum, bahkan  jurusan Teknik, Arsitektur, dan Ilmu Komputer harus tersingkir dari jurusan ini. Rata-rata lulusan sejarah dan  filsafat berprofesi sebagai ahli sejarawan, reporter, penulis dan lain sebagainya.

7. Bahasa

Kemampuan bahasa merupakan syarat utama pelamar kerja cepat diterima bekerja. Modal berharga ini menjadi motivasi para pendaftar jurusan PT untuk memilih jurusan Bahasa. Pada rentang waktu 2010/2011, sekitar 90,3 persen lulusan Bahasa bekerja sesaat setelah lulus paling lama 4-6 bulan. Akhir-akhir ini ahli bahasa sangat dibutuhkan, terutama bahasa-bahasa asing yang sedang mendunia selain bahasa Inggris. Biasanya pelamar yang memiliki penguasaan 3 bahasa asing lebih mudah diterima daripada hanya 1 penguasaan bahasa asing.

6. Biologi

Biologi selalu erat hubungannya dengan jaringan kultur tanaman atau hewan. Banyak bidang pekerjaan yang bisa dimasuki oleh lulusan jurusan ini, apalagi yang terkait bioteknologi dan industri terkait yang kini sedang populer. Tercatat, sekitar 90,9 persen sarjananya segera memperoleh pekerjaan atau melanjutkan studi setelah lulus. Rata-rata mereka berprofesi sebagai petugas laboratorium, peneliti, asisten peneliti, asisten ahl, ahli biologi, dosen, guru dan lain sebagainya.

5. Pertanian dan jurusan lain yang terkait

Karena Indonesia merupakan Negara agraris, maka banyak sekali membutuhkan lulusan pertanian untuk mengembangkan teknik pertanian terbaru. Di banyak perguruan tinggi,
pertanian sering dianggap kurang elite. padahal sebenarnya lapangan kerja bidang pertanian sangatlah luas, bahkan sangat sesuai jika mengaplikasikan ilmu pertanian di tanah Indonesia.  Tercatat dalam survei ini, sekitar 91,3 persen sarjana pertanian yang lulus pada tahun 2010/2011 cepat menemukan pekerjaan hanya dalam 4-6 bulan setelah mereka lulus.

4. Hukum

Sudah sejak lama jurusan Hukum mmendulang kepopuleran, banyak calon mahasiswa berminat masuk dalam dunia hukum. Karena, kebanyakan lulusan hukum dijamin lulus cepat dengan jaminan pula cepat mendapat pekerjaan. Menurut survei, 91,9 persen lulusan Hukum di tahun 2010/2011 langsung bekerja setelah lulus. Namun perlu diingat juga, sudah banyak sekali alumni lulusan hukum sehingga persaingan dalam dunia kerja juga semakin ketat.

3. Jurusan terkait obat-obatan

Jika ada dunia kedokteran dan kesahatan tentunya diperlukan ahli obat-obatan yang mampu meramu obat sesuai dengan fungsinya. Saat ini, lapangan pekerjaan jurusan yang berhubungan obat-obatan sangat luas, misalnya saja biomedis serta neurologi. Berdasarkan survei, sekitar 94 persen alumni jurusan ini cepat memperoleh pekerjaan setelah lulus. Kebanyakan mereka bekerja di perusahaan obat sebagai tenaga produksi, apoteker, dan lain sebagainya.

2. Pendidikan

Profesi guru akan selalu dibutuhkan, dimanapun. Itulah sebabnya mengapa pendidikan menjadi jurusan faforit yang mampu menyita perhatian para pendaftar perguruan tinggi. Menurut survei, sekitar 94,8 persen alumninya langsung bekerja setelah lulus dari perguruan tinggi.

1. Kedokteran, Kedokteran Gigi, dan Kedokteran Hewan

Jangan dibayangkan lagi, bahwa lulusan dari jurusan ini memang terkenal cepat memperoleh pekerjaan begitu lulus.Sebab biasanya ada hubungan kerja antara Perguruan Tinggi dengan Instansi Rumah Sakit terkait yang membutuhkan tenaga dokter. Bahkan saat ini dokter dibutuhkan pula di daerah pelosok-pelosok daerah di Indonesia untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup sehat masyarakat Indonesia. Survei menunjukkan sekitar 99,4 persen para lulusan kedokteran mendapatkan pekerjaan atau melanjutkan studi paling tidak 6 bulan setelah lulus.

Monday, April 15, 2013

The Dutch Man "RVP"

'Robin van Persie is a vital player for them. It's clear that the difference is this. He has changed the condition.

'We wanted him in the summer because we knew he would be an important player. He is totally different from our other strikers.’

Roberto Mancini’s fierce desire to land then Arsenal star Robin Van Persie in the summer transfer window was no secret. And his above words highlight just how much they miss him in their side this season.

Van Persie, who chose City’s neighbors United as his destination, has been an absolute revelation for Sir Alex Ferguson’s side, playing an extremely instrumental role in their having a healthy 7-point lead at the top of the table.

Last season, he was the only major contributor in Arsenal’s side that finished third, almost solely because of his efforts. He bagged the Golden Boot award with 30 goals in the Premier League, establishing himself as the top striker in England. His departure in the summer was somewhat inevitable, as he seeked pastures new in a bid to win trophies, something he had been unable to achieve with Arsenal.

Signing for Manchester United may have gone down terribly with the Arsenal faithful, but it can be safely said that it has been one of the best decisions of his career. With 16 goals in 21 games, he is the Premier League’s leading scorer. Not only that, he has also come up with some monumental goals when it comes to the title race, scoring the winner against City at the Etihad, the winner against Liverpool at Anfield and also one in a 3-2 against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge. So many times the savior of Arsenal last season, Van Persie has come to the Red Devils’ rescue on numerous occasions too this season, most notably when he netted a hat trick including 2 goals in the dying minutes in a 3-2 win away at Southampton in the early part of the season.

The Dutchman arrived in England for a meager fee of 2.75 million pounds from Eridivisie side Feyernood in 2004. He was converted into a centre forward from a left winger by Arsene Wenger. With Thierry Henry’s injury problems in the 2006-07 season and his subsequent departure, Van Persie became Arsenal’s main striker. 

Although he was plagued with loads of injury problems, Wengerstuck with him, ultimately transforming him into one the best strikers in the land. It was a pity to see him leave the Gunners after they had stood by him for so long but on the other hand, it was also understandable given the player’s ambition to win trophies, something he is well on the way to doing at United.

He came to the rescue for United again on Saturday in the FA Cup, scoring a brilliant equalizer in a 2-2 draw away at West Ham, thereby helping to force a replay. One thing’s for sure, this is certainly not the last time he will score a vital goal for United. And the rate he’s going at the moment, there is no stopping the Reds of Manchester from winning the Premier League title.

Footbal Unique Facts

It is a game that is old as time itself. Though there is no particular record as to when it came into existence, there are records to believe that it was, like many other notable creations, that Football was invented by the Chinese. There are records, dating back to 476 BC, of people playing the footy. Though back then the rules and the object they kicked around were quite different.

 As a matter of fact the very first football prototype was a leather ball which was kicked through a whole in a piece of clothing material, by a bunch of early age football players. If you found this particular piece of information interesting, then please scroll down for some more facts and trivia about the world’s most favorite sport. 

• Though the invention of football goes to the Chinese, the game, in its present form, originated in the Great Britain. 

• Football is referred to as ‘football’ all over the world except for the United States of America where it is known as ‘Soccer’. For the Americans, football is actually the ‘Grid-iron’ game. 

• The very first football club in the world was Sheffield FC, which was co-founded by Major William Priest and Colonel Nathaniel Cresswick in 1857. 

• The very first football league that came into existence was the English football league that was formed in 1888; it consisted of twelve competing clubs. 

• The very first international level match took place between Scotland and England in Glasgow on 30th November 1872; the match ended in a draw. 

• The largest football tournament to have taken place in the history was at the second Bangkok League Seven-a-Side Competition in which 5,098 teams comprising of more than 35,000 players battled it out for the title. 

• The record for the highest number of goals to have been scored by a football player in a single game belongs to Stephan Stanis of France, while playing for Racing Club de Lens in 1942. 

• The fastest goal ever scored was executed in 2.8 seconds by the Uruguayan player- Ricardo Olivera in 1998. 

• The Football goalkeepers wore the same colour shirts as their team mates up until the year 1913. 

• Only three teams have ever won the F.A. Cup trophy without surrendering a single goal during the whole competition: The Wanderers, Preston North End and the Bury. 

• The Premier league club- Aston Villa was founded by cricketers who considered playing football as a means to exercise. 

• Indian football team withdrew from the World Cup games back in 1950, because they were not allowed to play barefoot. 

• Football is adjudged the most popular sport in the world with nearly one billion fans watching the Football videos and reading the football news. 

Advantages playing Football

Soccer has been grabbing attention all over the world as an entertaining sport. Individuals in almost every part of the world prefer playing the game either for fun or fitness reasons. To enjoy the sport to the fullest and get the most out of it, one needs to have a detailed understanding of it. This can only be achieved by enrolling yourself to reputed soccer clubs.

A soccer club is indeed the right place for kids aged from 4 to 15. At these clubs, they can develop a better and clear understanding of the sport. Moreover, parents need not to worry about their child spending hours away from home playing football with strangers. This is because the clubs are fully licensed and hire fully qualified and experienced coaches training a child in a safe, secure and fun environment. 

Improving football skills 
Several helpful and entertaining sessions are organized by the clubs to educate kids more about the sport and improve their skills. The best of all, the sessions take place under the supervision of trained and experienced instructors teaching all essential facts including development of team spirit, fundamentals of the sport, development of leadership qualities, etc. Moreover, the kids are also made aware of their weaknesses and methods of overcoming them. 

Developing appreciation of sport and team games 
The soccer clubs adopt several beneficial measures to build a better appreciation of sport and team games among the individuals. They are taught the benefits of teamwork and made aware of their responsibilities towards the game and the team. 

Fitness and nutrition 
Apart from teaching game rules and tactics, fitness and nutrition awareness is also spread among the individuals. This is an important step in the direction to enhance their fitness level besides developing a better understanding of the sport. 

Secure and pleasing environment 
This is the first and the foremost advantage enjoyed by the club members. Almost all the clubs provide individuals a safe and rewarding environment to help them achieve complete peace of mind. With trained and encouraging mentors teaching the fundamentals of game, one gets to know about the sport in detail. Moreover, they are also taught the benefits of teamwork. They are also made aware of other factors like development of long-term attributes, teamwork, sharpening personal strengths, identifying weaknesses and ways to overcome them. The practice starts from beginner level expanding to expert after some time. 

Support and dedication 
At soccer clubs, individuals get lots of support and dedication at every stage. Professional staff, green fields and an ideal climate for playing outdoor games is enough to inculcate a feeling of satisfaction among them. The fact that they learn in a positive and supportive environment enables individuals to develop the right understanding of the sport. 

Timely events 
The soccer clubs organize different events from time to time to infuse a competitive spirit in individuals. Moreover, the winners are also awarded for motivation and encouragement. 

These are some of the prominent topics and subjects taught in the training sessions organized by the soccer clubs. 

If you are planning to join one such club, the internet is the best place to begin with. Several associations offer their services online these days. They maintain their own websites displaying all essential information regarding their training sessions, instructions, fields and pricing details. You can go though all these details and make an appropriate decision as per your budget and requirements. 

So, what are you waiting for? Join Soccer club to know more about soccer and add more fun to your game. 

Pay Per click Marketing

In this age of cyber marketing and internet advertisements, web developers have come up with numerous ways that can attract people towards a particular website and increase the volume of traffic. Generating traffic is the key as it is this traffic that is then converted to customers in no time. Pay per click or PPC marketing is one such model of internet advertisement that is used to increase the traffic towards a particular website. 

Here, the advertisers pay the website owners when the advertisement is clicked. This is one of the most frequently used models by the SEO firms to attract people and increase the internet foothold of any website. 

Key word is one of the important facets of PPC marketing. The pricing of the PPC is decided based on the key word that is used in the ad. Advertisers typically bid on the key word phrases relevant to the target audience. Apart from bidding, content based websites generally use “fixed price per clicks” system. The ads and banners that are put up in the website are only possible when the websites have agreed to put up the PPC click along with the content of the website.

 In these cases, the existing website generally takes up those PPC ads that are in some ways related or relevant to the content they are vouching for. Such advertisements are called sponsored links or sponsored ads. These ads generally appear adjacent to, above, or beneath the search engine results pages, or anywhere a web designer chooses on a content site. This is an ad on situation for both the website and the people giving the PPC ads. 

PPC ads are different from those we find in newspapers and television. The PPC ads as we said are put up in websites that they relevant contents. Along with this the PPC ads and banners also gives the visitors a choice of shopping through the ads while surfing. With a click on the ad, the visitor is routed to a website that may be able to facilitate some online shopping option. This is made possible by offering a portion of the revenue or other financial incentives to the affiliated website. This is an ad on situation for both the website and the people giving the PPC ads. 

PPC over the time has emerged as one of the best models for reaching out to people. As we know that advertisement is the key to any success, PPC has made an entirely new advent in the cyber world and has managed to create success at large. 

Get Website Traffic

One of the most ignored tools available to help you understand how your Website is doing is your visitors review. Reading these views effectively can discover problem areas at your website that may be asking for a lot of money a year in lost income. Of all information you'll see on your website views, there's one wide range worth looking at when you start your research. That wide range will be in the "visitors" area of your web research review. 

Look for "traffic sources," which is a difficult wide range for where your targeted visitors are coming from. Typically, information is divided into categories, such as referring to visitors and check website marketing visitors. Both are essential, because they show who's linking to you and how well the Google like your content. When you know what these numbers mean, you can change your website accordingly, which can help increase your alterations eventually. 

What do you predict from your website visitor? Professionals say it's essential to set your goals and assess them against prospective customer's research. "Look at the redirecting route from the web site," says Level Farley, an older look for strategist at PGM Integrated, a Denver incorporated marketing company. "What information do individuals want to know? How did they look for the information?" Based on the alternatives to those issues, change your website to offer these visitors, so that their goals and yours are organized. 

Also, consider what type of results you predict from visitors. Do you need a get in touch with, cause or sale? Web research program can help you notice each purpose, and, based on how your website is doing, fix your web store. 

Efficient verifying program will not only describe to you which websites your visitors considered, but also where they staying your website. It's essential to understand why individuals keep by effectively examining the greatest stop websites. What were they looking for that they did not find? Is there a better way to contact them to activity, before they leave? It's simple to get puzzled with information, much of which doesn't apply to your company. "Identify the top two or three research that actually allows you to create choices about your website. 

Website visitors’ research is usually activated by creating small piece of Javascript value in the pages of your website. This value features as a glowing example - every time a visitor views a web page on your website, the Javascript value accumulates information about the visitor and provides this information back to the service, where it is stored in a databases. Statistics alternatives usually offer an range of different types of views consisting from the information collected through the tracking value. 

You can sound right of the visitors views created from your company's web web page. All you have to do is assess and notice a few essential numbers, set affordable goals and ignore the numbers that are ineffective to your business. 

Virtual Dedicated Server

Owning a virtual dedicated server means privacy, security, virtualization, multimedia and high-volume transactions. Multiple sites with so much of flexibility bring in scalability and user friendliness. Each dedicated server includes a wide variety of additional services like extra IP addresses, installation OS and BGP support and much more. Optimized speed in a dedicated server is available at affordable price. 

Although hosting providers and users argue for shared hosting over dedicated one in concern to the cost level user has to bear, its prima-facie that dedicated server gives advantages over shared in following ways: 
1. This is multi-core virtual machines having dedicated pools of memory and hard-disk storage. 
2. This means tying to a segment of the hardware that gives discrete advantage in that no one can have access to your CPU cycle, so you can utilize the whole resources for your purpose. 
3. Security over failed sessions, a spared unit is there where you can re-point, moved or restored. 
4. Migration to a separate piece of physical hardware is easy. 
5. Full root access to the user. 
6. Full duplex 100Mbps connection. 
7. Unmetered bandwidth option available. 

Flexibility of choosing the right kind of processor ranges from dual core, quadra core to 2X N core. Core i3 and a variety of Xeon processors are also available. Core i3-2100 3.10 GHz is available with windows and linux/unix platforms. Xeon with variety of versions like Xeon E3-1220 3.1 GHz and Xeon E5645 2.4 GHz are also available. 

Frequent quality of service issues are addressed as soon as a complaint is raised. Quick response to customer grievances has been obsolete in this area of business that is continually been addressed by your service provider. This makes you real relief over network downtime. Optimized up-time is ensured by providing fast and prompt response to customer query and complaints. It is always ensured that you get maximum possible uptime in server. 

Replacing faulty server modules takes usually longer time whereas here you get prompt replacement of faulty systems within hours of complaint receipt. That makes you more comfortable and allows maximum usage of your time and resources. 
The assurance of maximum uptime clubbed with prompt replacement gives you hassle-free and the priority support leaves you in trouble-free multiple website hosting and management. 

Cloud VPS 
Over throwing the cost factor, if you wish to have ultimate experience on multiple website hosting and management cloud VPS is most recent technology available now-a-days. Cloud VPS means cost effective several websites, security, lots of applications running, virtualization, multimedia and high-volume transactions. Multiple sites with so much of flexibility bring in scalability and user friendliness. Each cloud VPS includes a wide variety of additional services like extra IP addresses, installation OS and BGP support and much more. Full root access is the most attractive and appreciated service customers are looking for while opting for cloud VPS. 

Although hosting providers and users argue for shared hosting over cloud one in concern to the cost level user has to bear, its prima-facie that cloud VPS gives advantages over shared and dedicated in following ways: 
1. Use of snapshots and cloning to set up your own developing, testing, acceptance and production. 
2. Changing of development environment into a load balanced cluster at your wish. 
3. High availability clusters, total configuration freedom, secure storage and no CPU cycle or hard-disk input/output limits. 
4. Daily contracts and testing period. 
5. Full root access to the user. 
6. Interface offers unlimited possibilities. 
7. Unmetered bandwidth option available. 

Cloud VPS is rapidly replacing traditional hardware based models. Companies are looking for more IT capacity flexibility. Unlike constrained infrastructures like shared hosting and shared VPS where you are limited to CPU cycles, sharing of otherĂ¢€™s hardware and even share yours with other coexistence, with cloud VPS there is so much flexibility and privacy. The ease of use, root access are like a dream come true for clients who want complete control over their racks and can reboot, clone, take snapshots and modify and change hardware and resource allocation as per need and convenience. 

A lot many applications need to be run on the server these days to provide enriched user experience. Those applications need to be checked, re-run, installed, reboot and backed up for future relocation, these activities has to be performed by specialists also by the client himself if he choose cloud environment. A lot can be done in cloud with ease and security. Sharing hardware and CPU cycles are talks of old days. 
Resource allocation, back-up process and routine revamping of your applications are so easy in cloud that you feel nothing is far away from your reach and you can handle almost all sorts of tasks on your rack space whenever and wherever you want. 

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