
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Perbedaan Laptop dengan Netbook dan Ultrabook

Pada masa yang lalu, satu-satunya pilihan untuk memilih perangkat komputasi untuk penggunaan pribadi adalah komputer desktop yang memiliki ukuran besar dan memakan tempat. Namun dengan perkembangannya komputer menjadi lebih kecil dan praktis. Pada sebagian orang perbedaan istilah laptop, notebook, dan netbook ultrabook, dan palmtop  mungkin bukanlah hal yang besar. Tapi jangan salah, masih banyak lho teman-teman kita yang masih suka bingung membedakan apa itu Laptop, Notebook, dan Netbook, Ultrabook, Palmtop.
Tentu saja mereka berbeda jauh untuk penggunaan komputing dan sangat penting untuk mengetahui perbedaan di antara mereka. Maka dari itu biar kamu tidak lagi bingung, di artikel ini saya akan sedikit jelaskan tentang perbedaannya.

Laptop dan Notebook
Laptop itu sendiri adalah sebutan Umum untuk Notebook dan Netbook. Jadi Laptop itu bisa diartikan sebagai Netbook maupun Notebook. Asal katanya tetap sama yaitu merujuk pada komputer yang digunakan di pangkuan. Secara historis, laptop memiliki ukuran yang sedikit lebih besar, dirancang untuk menggantikan komputer desktop dan bisa dibawa di atas pangkuan Anda. Sedangkan Notebook hanya memiliki ukuran yang sedikit lebih kecil dari laptop – sesuatu yang bisa Anda bawa kemanapun Anda pergi dan identik atau menggantikan peran Notebook tradisional. Namun hari ini tidak ada perbedaan diantara keduanya. Produsen akan menggunakan kata Notebook dan Laptop secara bergantian, dan itu sangat langka untuk melihat istilah Laptop pada sekarang ini.
Dibandingka dengan Laptop, Notebook sedikit lebih eye catching, Sebagai komputer pribadi, laptop memiliki fungsi yang sama dengan komputer destop (desktop computers) pada umumnya. Komponen yang terdapat di dalamnya sama persis dengan komponen pada destop, hanya saja ukurannya diperkecil, dijadikan lebih ringan, lebih tidak panas, dan lebih hemat daya


Netbook merupakan salah satu varian dari komputer jinjing yang dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan komunikasi nirkabel dan mengakses internet. Dengan rancangan utama untuk digunakan sebagai perangkat dalam merambah web, dan menulis surat elektronik, netbook sangat bergantung pada keberadaan internet untuk akses jarak jauh terhadap aplikasi berbasis web untuk pengguna yang tidak membutuhkan keberadaan komputer berspesifikasi tinggi.
Kepopularitasan mereka telah menurun beberapa tahun terakhir akibat tergeser dengan tablet, Netbook sangat cocok untuk tugas komputasi sehari-hari, namun game atau program berat lainnya seperti Photoshop tidak memungkinkan untuk Anda instal pada Netbook.

Ultrabook adalah merupakan perpaduan antara kecanggihan sebuah PC Game dengan Tablet PC yang memiliki tipis kurang dari 20 mm dengan spesifikasi yang sangat tinggi, ultrabook ini bisa digunakan dalam kondisi yang ekstrim layaknya PC desktopPenggunaan Ultrabook pertama kali digunakan untuk merepresentasikan Apple MacBook Air yang mana dikenal memiliki bodi yang sangat tipis dan dari situlah kata Ultrabook pertama kali didengungkan. Jadi bisa dikatakan bahwa MacBook Air merupakan Ultrabook pertama yang hadir di pasaran. Meskipun memiliki profil yang tipis yakni kurang dari 2 cm, namun ukuran layar yang dibawanya sering menyaingi ukuran notebook yang normal. Ultrabook sebaian besar dibekali dengan SSD Hard Drive – jenis ini lebih cepat, ringan dan silent dibandingkan dengan HDD. Memilki kecepatan yang lebih cepat, SSD lebih mahal untuk kategori harga dibandingkan dengan HDD meskipun berukuran 128 GB saja, jadi tidak akan biasa jika Ultrabook memiliki daya simpan hanya sebesar 128 GB. Ultrabook juga biasanya tidak dilengkapi dengan DVD Drive, jadi selalu ingat hal ini sebelum Anda berbelanja untuk membeli laptop.
Sangat cocok untuk tugas komputasi sehari-hari dan dapat Anda gunakan untuk memainkan game ringan. Jenis ini akan sangat berjuan untuk memainkan permaian yang memiliki grafis 3D atau game yang memiliki tingkat yang lebih tinggi lagi. Ultrabook memiliki harga yang sangat bervarisai, mulai dari 7 jutaan hingga 15 jutaan.

Sebuah komputer Palmtop adalah sebuah komputer sangat kecil yang bisa Anda simpan di satu tangan dan memanipulasi dengan yang lain.Ini jenis komputer memiliki keyboard khusus atau keypad untuk memasukkan data, atau keyboard QWERTY kecil.Nama lain untuk palmtop adalah komputer genggam, komputer saku dan PDA.Fitur utama dari komputer ini adalah bahwa mereka kecil, ringan, menarik daya dari baterai dan dimaksudkan untuk penggunaan umum.masukan mereka termasuk keyboard mesin tik dan output terdiri dari display, LCD kecil penuh warna. palmtop memiliki pengolah kata, program spreadsheet, kalender dan buku telepon. Karakteristik penting adalah bahwa sistem operasi kompatibel dengan yang PC.Palmtops merupakan perangkat kecil yang mampu memberikan Anda pengalaman komputing. Palmtops kebanyak`n menggunakan versi Windows yang rendah yakni yang disebut dengan Windows CE, namun beberapa waktu kemudian muncul model Palmtops yang menggunakan Windows XP. Dengan munculnya smartphone, komputer palmtops dibuat terbatas dan Anda tidak akan bisa mendapatkannya pada saat sekarang ini. Perangkat ini memiliki ukuran layar sebesar 6 – 7 inchi. Layar yang cukup besar pada masa itu

demikian yang dapat aku berikan, semoga bisa bermanfaat bagi teman teman semuanya.

Salam SELALU SUKSES...... Guys !!!!!

AMD Processor Vs INTEL Core i7

good morning .. my friends and bloggers all. 
this post is information that is outdated, but it never hurts if I give you, who knows many friends among friends who do not know. After the last post discussed about the development of Intel processor technology, so on this occasion the author discusses the development of AMD. Sengan use the name Zambezi latest generation of AMD processors are made based on the Bulldozer architecture (32nm) will be challenged head-to-head with Intel Core i7 processors (9000 series). 

AMD Zambezi include TurboCore 2.0 technology and will be sheltered under the brand FX Series lineup. 

Until now AMD can not compete with the performance of the Intel Core i7 "Sandy Bridge" but intends to fight back by releasing the series Bulldozer Zambezi processors. 

From the report of the X-bit Labs, AMD Zambezi offers almost the same capabilities with the Intel Core i7. The report also described some features of AMD Zambezi, such as more cores are dioverclocked, dual graphics, OpenCL and GPU capabilities along. 

This makes it more powerful than the Zambezi internal graphics card is usually found in desktop computers. 

AMD's Zambezi processor has 8 cores integrated processor in 4 modules. Bulldozer architecture has an integrated 2 integer units, floating point with 1 and 2 threads in a separate integer units. 

With the manufacturing error and recall on Sandy bridge chipset made by Intel, AMD hopes to fill the abandoned Intel's market share by offering Zambezi processors. 

Based on a recent report from IDC, Intel currently holds a 80.8% share of the PC processor market by the end of the 4th quarter rose 0.4% from the previous quarter, while AMD earned only 19.9% ​​(minus 0.5%). One representative said that AMD Zambezi FX series processors are planned to be released 2nd quarter of 2011.

Root Handphone Android Tips

The following post is a continuation of the study with applicable ROOT phone / android phone.

Perform root android phone mobile terutamaa may not sound familiar to temen2 who have long and adept at operating the android phone. However, this may not necessarily happen to everyone because there are still many people who have not been able to do it and it's not even what rooting ahu?

After learning some of the advantages and disadvantages of rooting heandphone as described in the previous post, the decision is in your hands. And if you decide to do it anyway, here are some easy steps how to root android phone you have to do.

Here I will try to explain what I think is a little bit easier. Root is the super user on Linux Operating System. Android is a Mobile Operating System based on Linux kernel. A root user privileges with the highest lever, as well as Administrator if on Windows Operating System. On android, root user is not given to users by default. Root android is a process in order to gain full access rights to maximize performance andorid pal, eg lawyer's latest firmware up grade.


1. Download and install the application UnLockRoot. select the type hp yg friend have and install on your PC and select which let ga free download serial number requested

2. Then grab and connect usb data between a PC or laptop with the HP Android.

Oh yeah, earlier in the HP Android you do not forget to be set into the USB Debbug by going to settings, select the application, and choose Development, and check USB Debugging mode.

3. Connect your Android device to the PC using a USB cable

4. Run the application "UnlockRoot.exe" has been downloaded earlier, and wait until the software is complete you recognize the type of Android device (in such matters, this will be detected if the type of Android devices already support).

5. Select the device from the list of devices in the detection.

6. Click the Root button to start the rooting process.

7. Wait until the process is completed, and if successful it will display "your device has been successfully rooted".

8. When finished, Reboot your android device for the changes to be applied.

So little information may be useful for guys.

" always successful greetings "

Windows Server 2012

You must have known that the presence of Windows Server 2012 was officially launched by Microsoft a few months ago, as the operating system that is designed to 'super computer', innate feature of Windows Server 2012 does not play games. Even Microsoft claims the system is capable of managing 64 processors at once.

Windows Server 2012 is the latest operating system Microsot as the successor to Windows Server 2008 R2 that have been released since 2010 ago. Windows Server 2012 is the cornerstone of the cloud operating system, which provides a consistent platform across cloud computing, whether private, hosted and public. Windows Server 2012 is very different from previous versions. About the features and hardware support increasingly enriched adjust current hardware specs. This product was claimed to have a number of inherent features extraordinary.

To support the processor for example, Windows Server 2012 claimed to be able to handle 64 physical processors simultaneously. The more remarkable because the operating system supports the use of up to 1 TB of RAM memory in the server. Another advantage of Windows Server 2012 is feature Quality of Services (QoS) of which the Service Level Agreement (SLA) of each server networking can be maintained in accordance with business needs. Windows Server 2012 provides many tools can be used to manage the working of a system. Tools include a user interface (UI), Tools for configuring and managing servers, Tools for adding or installing roles and features, Tools for remote administration, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) scripts to improve the management, the addition of Group Policy, etc. .

Features of Windows Update still prepared to do Automatic Updates, Windows Error Reporting (WER), and included in the Customer Experience Improvement Program. Set the Windows Firewall on the server, and enables Remote Desktop server and thus can be regulated or be managed remotely using Terminal Services. So the Server Manager is a direct service to add roles and features on Windows Server 2012. Actually the Server Manager tool is targeted at the IT in general who works for the organization with moderate scale (medium-size). As for IT Professionals who work in large companies can also use other tools to mengkonfiugrasi the server.

Manager server features an MMC console provides an integrated resource for managing server roles and features as well as for monitoring the status of a server. Although Windows PowerShell has been around since Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, but in its ability to be improved, with a command-line shell and scripting language that contains more than 130 cmdlets plus some intuitive scripting language. PowerShell is a powerful tool to perform administration tasks on Windows Server 2012 as managing services, processes and storage. And PowerShell can be used for server roles such as Internet Information Services (IIS) 8, Terminal services and Active Directory Domain Services.

When using Windows Server 2012, one thing that should not be forgotten is to add the Hyper-V role. With Hyper-V allows us to run more than one operating system either 32-bit or 64-bit at the same time on the same server computer. So in this case the operating system running on a virtual machine (VM).

World of Software

Data Processing has changed greatly over time. While one can track the beginnings of the modern analytical computer to Charles Babbage (1791-1871), we really saw the beginning of modern day information systems during World War II when they were used as code busters. After the war, few anticipated how much computers would affect our lives. Early on even IBM thought that there would only be a handful of companies that would need a computer. 

In those days, computers were massive systems based on vacuum tubes and core memory. With the advent of the integrated circuit, computer architectures took a giant leap forward. The mainframe systems of the late 1980’s evolved into Client/Server applications of the early 1990’s. In parallel, the Internet grew from a few engineer and research systems to a World Wide network. It wasn’t until an Al Gore authored bill allowing commerce to be carried out over the Internet did things really start to change. Every business, every organization, had to carve out a space on “The Net.” 

The ubiquitous nature of The Internet made it the perfect way for business to have a global reach while maintaining a local presence. Soon, application vendors were making Internet based applications. Today, solution providers are exploiting service oriented architectures and BPEL to provide more agile environments in which to do business. 

Today, combining Internet access with massive, inexpensive compute power, data processing has been transformed from an ancillary function of accounting departments to mechanisms by which organizations can transform and enhance their internal processing while integrating their interactions with customers and suppliers. 

The key to modern day data processing is not simply the automation of some manual process. Today, business realizes that data processing, information systems, change the very processes that are used to run the business. They not only do same things more efficiently, the do thins differently. 

In the past an order was printed and sent to a supplier. The order was received and, if the item was in stock, it was shipped. Items not in stock were placed on back order. Today with Supply chain integration, the entire supply chain is integrated into one network. Warehouse management software notifies suppliers when stock levels drop and order are placed. The suppliers themselves use data mining and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software to predict ordering patterns and anticipate customer needs. 

Even how businesses interact with their customers has changed. In the past, businesses used mass marketing to appeal to the greatness number of possible customers. Today, we have mass customization where businesses on a group basis provide customized goods and services. 

No, this is not your father’s data processing. No longer is the world of data processing a pocket-protector clad engineer’s world of spinning tapes and punched cards. Today, data processing and data entry affects all our lives in ever new and more exciting ways.

New Evolution Data Processing

Data Processing has changed greatly over time. While one can track the beginnings of the modern analytical computer to Charles Babbage (1791-1871), we really saw the beginning of modern day information systems during World War II when they were used as code busters. After the war, few anticipated how much computers would affect our lives. Early on even IBM thought that there would only be a handful of companies that would need a computer. 

In those days, computers were massive systems based on vacuum tubes and core memory. With the advent of the integrated circuit, computer architectures took a giant leap forward. The mainframe systems of the late 1980’s evolved into Client/Server applications of the early 1990’s. In parallel, the Internet grew from a few engineer and research systems to a World Wide network. It wasn’t until an Al Gore authored bill allowing commerce to be carried out over the Internet did things really start to change. Every business, every organization, had to carve out a space on “The Net.” 

The ubiquitous nature of The Internet made it the perfect way for business to have a global reach while maintaining a local presence. Soon, application vendors were making Internet based applications. Today, solution providers are exploiting service oriented architectures and BPEL to provide more agile environments in which to do business. 

Today, combining Internet access with massive, inexpensive compute power, data processing has been transformed from an ancillary function of accounting departments to mechanisms by which organizations can transform and enhance their internal processing while integrating their interactions with customers and suppliers. 

The key to modern day data processing is not simply the automation of some manual process. Today, business realizes that data processing, information systems, change the very processes that are used to run the business. They not only do same things more efficiently, the do thins differently. 

In the past an order was printed and sent to a supplier. The order was received and, if the item was in stock, it was shipped. Items not in stock were placed on back order. Today with Supply chain integration, the entire supply chain is integrated into one network. Warehouse management software notifies suppliers when stock levels drop and order are placed. The suppliers themselves use data mining and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software to predict ordering patterns and anticipate customer needs. 

Even how businesses interact with their customers has changed. In the past, businesses used mass marketing to appeal to the greatness number of possible customers. Today, we have mass customization where businesses on a group basis provide customized goods and services. 

No, this is not your father’s data processing. No longer is the world of data processing a pocket-protector clad engineer’s world of spinning tapes and punched cards. Today, data processing and data entry affects all our lives in ever new and more exciting ways.

New Operating System By Microsoft

Microsoft is is the process of releasing a new operating system called Vista. Windows Vista is suposedly available for businesses and schools to purchase on Nov 30th 2006, but not yet ready for home use. The home version of Vista will be released in January 2007, which makes perfect sense if you think about it. 

There are two levels of computer recommendations for Windows Vista, those dubbed Vista-Capable and those dubbed Premium-Ready. Microsoft has now revealed the specifics in each category, and here they are.

Minimum Requirements of Vista-Capable PCs.

800 MHz Intel-compatible processor 
512MB of RAM 
DirectX 9.0-Capable Graphics Processor 
20GB HD 

Recommended Requirements for Premium-Ready PCs

1 GHz Intel-compatible processor 
DirectX 9.0-Capable Graphics Processor, with 128MB graphics memory. 64MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor less than 1,310,720 pixels - no more than 1440x900
128MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor at resolutions from 1,310,720 to 2,304,000 pixels no more than 1920x1200; 256MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor at resolutions higher than 2,304,000 pixels more than 1920x1200 
40GB HD with at least 15GB of free space. 

I am guessing what Microsoft wants to do is get everyone to buy these nice, expensive, new, top of the line computers for their families for Christmas that have the ability to upgrade to Windows Vista. Then in January, the very few days after Christmas, Vista will hit the shelves and computer companies will introduce their new best models, rending all the best computers everyone just got for Christmas pretty much average computers. 

This way, both computer companies and Microsoft make more money. 

A few possible solutions around this 

1. Buy a computer without an operating system and install a FREE version of linux untill Vista comes out. Then look for the OEM version, its just the cd without any booklets.

Go to click on operating systems then click linux.

You can find numorous versions that run off a cd disk, without an actual install. That is you boot up your computer with the cd in and Linux loads into the Ram to run. Also as with any Linux download you will need to burn the cd as an iso image. Either Nero or a free burner, Burn4free(available at can do the iso burning for you. 

2. Install an older version of windows then later on buy the vista upgrade.

3. Buy a low cost hi-quality computer online and with the savings upgrade to vista.

Windows Server in Technology

This time I will be giving out an overview of the basic windows server.Sebagai source or application server who certainly like what has been recommended by the manufacturer that the PC that we use must be based on the Windows Server Operating System. As for when we chose to use another OS such as Win XP, Win 7 or Linux, still found some shortcomings. And to issue these deficiencies will be posting the next post author.
There are several options when we want to use to put a windows server OS and database applications SIADPA Plus we. Following is a distinction and an explanation of each OS Win Server that exist today.

Windows NT Server is a server operating system for 32-bit operating system from Microsoft is an ancestor of the operating windows 2000 operating system, Windows XP, server 2003 and windows Visata. The operating system supports multiple platforms initially microprocessor. Windows NT server is not in bngun of MS-DOS was able to observe 4 GB.

Windows NT is actually constructed from leftover debris from the development of the operating system IBM 03/2 version 3.0,
Furthermore recruit some people microsoft operating system development for Digital Equipment corporation (DEC).
development team headed by David Neilcutler, SR.

1. Increasing server capacity to serve more simultaneous connections.
2. Free of code owned 16 Bit MS-DOS
3. Increasing service capability server TCP / IP
4. Domain-based security model
5. Tool to integrate Netware and network monitoring

1. Browser that is used as a base system on system administration toolkit uses a lot of Java script and Active X.
2. Changing the basic configuration that can rarely be done successfully.
3. online documentation

Windows Server 2000

.  Microsoft released Windows 2000 on 17 February 2000 an earlier version known as NT 5.0 or "NT.5, 0" 2000 version is intended for two pasaar share of the market share of workstation and server market share as well.
know better windows server

        Among the features of Windows 2000 Active Directory is the most significant, a network model of tissue replacement NT domains using an industry-standard technologies such as Domain Name System (DNS) Light weight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and Kerberos to connect between a machine to another .
         Windows 2000 can memperbaruhi previous computer running windows 98, windows 2000 was not regarded as suitable for home prodok, the reason bnyak them is the lack of device drivers for many penggunaseperti scanner (Scanner) and the printer (printer) when in lyrical windows 2000 available in the six editions.
1. Windows 2000 Professional
2. Windows 2000 Server
3. Windows 2000 Advanced Server
4. Windows 2000 Datacenter Server
5. Windows 2000 Advanced Server Edition limited
6. Windows 2000 Datacenter Server Limited Edition

Windows Server 2003

       On April 24, 2003 microsoft windows server 2003 an update for windows 2000 server operating system which offers bbanyak features new security features,
alloying "Manage your server wizard" that simplified the role of an engine running and also increasing performance, windows server 2003 using the Windows NT kernel version 5.2.

 in windows server 2003, some services that are not needed in the environment terlau server is disabled by default "Windows Audio" and "Themes"
in December 2005, Microsoft released the Windows server 2003 R2. which is a windows server 2003 server pick 1 added with some additional packages among all the new features is the management features for branch offices and extensive integration of identity.
Windows 2003 is available in five editions:

Windows 2003 Web Edition
Windows 2003 Standard Edition
Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition
Windows 2003 Datacenter Edition
Windows 2003 Small Business Server

Windows Server 2008

          Windows server 2008 is a new version of the Windows server, which is scheduled for release in February 27th 2008. At the time of its development windows server has the code name "Windows Server codenamed Longhorn". 

Windows Server 2008 builds on some of the benefits of technology and security that was originally introduced with Windows visata and is intended to be significantly more modular than its predecessor windows server 2007.

Network Marketer Succes

Everyone Is Different In The Network Marketing Business, however, people in this business do share some common characteristics.

The most common personality trait shared by network marketers is an entrepreneurial perspective. Some other characteristics present in network marketers are as follows:

People in network marketing are usually go-getters. These people believe in taking action and getting things done. For example you need your own network marketing website but cannot afford to hire a professional web designer to design it. As a go-getter instead of doing nothing you will take action and train yourself how to design and create a website. Then you will plan and build your own website with yourself. Ultimately you will have a website that is according to your wishes. An important characteristic of go-getters is that they always know their limitations and strengths and they have the self-discipline to work with them.

A network marketer is also self-motivated. But since every individual is different, what motivates one person might be different from others. For example, you might start a network marketing business because you are motivated to earn $500 to 1000 per month or even $10000 to $20000 per month. But others might go into this business because they want to stay at home and educate their kids.

To a large extent how motivated you are depends on what your goals are and the amount of dedication you possess. 

Network marketing people are often very creative. They have lots of great ideas and problem solving skills. They often get their inspiration by watching others in the field of network marketing. They believe in solving problems instead of worrying about the issues. For example, as a creative thinker if you have a small budget for advertising instead of being limited because of it, you start researching free advertising opportunities for your business. Your imagination will help you achieve great advertising for your network program. This will solve your problem and increase your income.

Self-discipline teaches self-control. Network marketers with self-discipline do not need someone to watch over them or give them instructions. These people have the discipline to get things done on their own. They can determine what needs to be done and then they go ahead and do it.

A network marketing business may fail, and a lot of them do right at the beginning. However people with self-discipline do not see themselves as failures, they learn from their mistakes and make sure that they succeed next time.

You should be adaptable as a network marketer. Because as an entrepreneur you will be multitasking quite a lot. You will be working as a marketer, promoter, public relations person, motivator, web master etc. Your ability to adapt to different situations will help you complete these tasks successfully.

As we know it takes time to create a successful business. As a network marketing person you should be eager to go the additional mile and invest the time and effort thats required to develop a successful business enterprise.

Network Marketing

Most people get into network marketing because they are frustrated with their day job and want to get out of it. If you are going to stay in network marketing, then it is extremely important that you get some training and understand how important it is for that training to be ongoing. It is not easy to build a successful sales organization.

A good training program will teach you the basics as well as how to increase your profit. When you start building your downline you will be expected to train them. This is another reason why it is great to have a good training program in place so that you can share it with them. This will ensure that they are successful and will make you successful too.

When you are searching for the perfect training program, keep in mind that other people have done this kind of business successfully and you will want to learn from them and mimic their methods. A good training program can show you how to market your product the right way to garner more sales.

You will want to learn how to use the internet as the powerful marketing tool that it is. Your program should teach you how to write effective ads and powerful sales letters. Also, it should show you how to set up a way to contact your prospects or leads on a regular basis, how to effectively use the internet, how to manage your downline and how to add more income streams without adding to your workload.

You can find some good network marketing programs that will help you improve your communications skills. This will reduce your rejection and eliminate your anxiety and fear you most likely get when you are talking to people. You can also find programs that will help you improve your listening skills and show you how to think positively.

Some programs will even show you how to set attainable goals, how to get organized and how to motivate yourself. You can also get lead training that will help you wade through the leads and get the best leads for your business. One of the best things about the many training programs available today is that they are inexpensive and you can access them on your home computer. Some of them could even be free. If you are truly serious about your network marketing business and want to make it your full time career, then you need to commit to a good training program.

Look at some of the leaders in the network marketing business. Some of them have created training programs that will show you how they did it. Read through their material and if it does not work for you, then leave it and move on.

Internet Marketing for Newbie

Previously I have written on budget (time and money) and also on organising your email routine. I would like to share some ideas on the basic tools or bits of software that will help you to be more organised and efficient.

There are a huge number of efficiency enhancing tools and products on the market – the problem is deciding what you need – NOT what you want or think might be cool.

The time wasted in learning a new tool or piece of software that is not really going to buy you much – ROI (Return On Investment), is time that you could have spent tweaking your website or walking the dog or playing with the kids.

I will not try to convince you about buying stuff – most of what you need is available free on the net – the problem is finding it.

Your best bet is to take the time BEFORE getting too heavily involved in your project to think about what you might need to accomplish it. For instance – an email tool – OK these mostly come with your operating system and at the outset are powerful enough to do the job until you outgrow the basics and need to move on – so, don’t spend time and money looking for the ultimate email program. 

Web browser – once again, this is standard with your operating system – although fairly soon you will need to get a tabbed browser, but I will write a separate article on this.

Word processors are also part of the package – as long as you have a decent text editor like Notepad or similar and an HTML capable editor like Word to start with you are OK. Here you might like to get a free tool called NVu fairly soon – this is a decent HTML editor which does not put all sorts of background HTML in your web pages like Word does.
Your next step up – remember, only when you outgrow the basics – would be a web site design and building tool like DreamWeaver or CuteSiteBuilder or similar. Here you will be paying for the software, so be sure that it is really needed at this time.

If you are looking to publish e-Books or similar, you will most likely need to get a text to PDF converter. Adobe has one but this is quite expensive, so look for a basic text to PDF PRINT ROUTINE or script. These are available free on the web. As you progress, have a look at getting one of the full PDF converters as these enable more functions and security on your creation.

Graphics tools are pretty much a personal choice – once again though, your basic Paint or MicroGraphix should do for a while to create jpegs etc. Here again, as you start looking for the next upgrade, remember that the cost has to be met from somewhere. Fortunately, there are quite a few companies on the net who do graphics rendering of logos and images for you – there are even a few that give a free trial (this is long enough for you to create your first logo etc so that you can get going) 

If I can leave you with one thought for today:
Just as a plumber cannot do his work without the correct tools, he also does not carry around a whole workshop just for the sake of having stuff there. He chooses what he needs in his toolkit and that is what he works with. We should be the same – think about what you need and not what you WANT!

Planning Succces of Your Business

Does the battle sport a such contour?

Knowing that your business plan will be an important piece to your business success you want to be sure that it is written in the best possible manner and if you are not sure where to start then it may be worth your while to consider using business plan writing software. While you can look through the endless number of software programs at your local office supply store or sift through the many reviews online, this process will still leave you with some question marks.

There are indeed many choices for you, but there are four business plan software programs in particular that seem to come up in all the top ten lists and have many wonderful online reviews from customers who have used the programs with much success. These business plan software programs include:

• BizPlan Builder: BizPlan Builder was rated a best buy from PC World and there software offers a one, two, three approach to creating your plan. With BizPlan Builder you simply fill in some blanks of sentences using Microsoft Word and Excel, use their PowerPoint template to help perfect your investor pitch, and compile and print your personal business plan. The ease of use and dramatic results make BizPlan Builder one of the best software programs in the industry.

Business Plan Pro: With 500 plus templates and two versions to choose from Business Plan Pro is always a favorite among the reviews.
Business PlanMaker: Business PlanMaker offers a step by step interview approach to helping you build your business plan.

PlanWriter: PlanWriter helps you complete your plan with their wizard that guides you through the entire process. With a complete library of samples and three version of the software to choose from PlanWriter gets top billing from many reviews including Newsweek.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Attorney vs Lawyer Definition

The terms attorney and lawyer are often used interchangeably in the United States. There is very little distinction made between the two. This difficulty to differentiate is a result of the fact that in the United States, unlike in other countries, this distinction is not made. However, a slight one does exist.
Have you ever wonder what the difference is between a lawyer and an attorney? The difference between the two is not usually distinguished in the U.S., although there is a difference. Namely, if you have graduated from law school, you are a lawyer. If you are licensed to practice law, then you may call yourself an attorney.
However, that doesn't mean you should call yourself either. Steven Lubet, Director of the Fred Bartlit Center for Trial Strategy at Northwestern and author of Lawyers' Poker was quoted regarding the distinction between lawyers and attorneys. He says:
"...the lawyer/attorney distinction is folklore. The terms are synonymous in American English and you may not hold yourself out as either unless you are admitted to practice somewhere."
What this amounts to is that even if you graduate from law school, unless you pass the bar exam and are licensed to practice law, you wouldn't really refer to yourself as a lawyer or an attorney, as doing so would be, for the most part, considered unethical and deceptive. Further, you would be greatly frowned upon by other colleagues in your profession.

What is a Lawyer

Lawyers, by matter of definition, are those who have studied the law and its application. Lawyers are called upon to represent a client in a court of law and advise their clients in legal matters.

What is an Attorney

By definition, an attorney is someone who is licensed to represent a client in the court of law. Attorneys are bound by obligation to act on a client’s behalf and in their best interest. According to, the word attorney has its orign in the year 1250–1300 and comes from the Middle English Anglo-French attourne, which literally means, "turned to." In other words, an attorney is one who is turned to.

Differences in Speech and Writing

You may also find that people within the profession may use the words lawyer and attorney interchangeably. In fact, lawyers may refer to themselves as a lawyer, attorney, counselor, barrister, or esquire. Although the latter two are not frequently used., the first three are. There may be other colloquialisms that occur within the profession, such as a judge who refers to a lawyer as a counselor when irritated, or a lawyer referring to themselves as esquire in formal writing.

Additional Resources

Interested in learning more about becoming a lawyer or attorney? Check out our reference guide on how to become a lawyer, or how to become a paralegal, or take a look at some of our online legal degrees to find the right online school and program to match your needs.

Sistem Pemerintahan Di Indonesia

Sistem pemerintahan adalah sistem yang dimiliki suatu negara dalam mengatur pemerintahannya. mempunyai sistem dan tujuan untuk menjaga suatu kestabilan negara itu. Secara luas berarti sistem pemerintahan itu menjaga kestabilan masyarakat, menjaga tingkah laku kaum mayoritas maupun minoritas, menjaga fondasi pemerintahan, menjaga kekuatan politik, pertahanan, ekonomi, keamanan sehingga menjadi sistem pemerintahan yang kontiniu dan demokrasi dimana seharusnya masyarakat bisa ikut turut andil dalam pembangunan sistem pemerintahan tersebut.

Secara luas berarti sistem pemerintahan itu menjaga kestabilan masyarakat, menjaga tingkah laku kaum mayoritas maupun minoritas, menjaga fondasi pemerintahan, menjaga kekuatan politik, pertahanan, ekonomi, keamanan sehingga menjadi sistem pemerintahan yang kontiniu dan demokrasi dimana seharusnya masyarakat bisa ikut turut andil dalam pembangunan sistem pemerintahan tersebut. Hingga saat ini hanya sedikit negara yang bisa mempraktikkan sistem pemerintahan itu secara menyeluruh. Secara sempit,Sistem pemerintahan hanya sebagai sarana kelompok untuk menjalankan roda pemerintahan guna menjaga kestabilan negara dalam waktu relatif lama dan mencegah adanya perilaku reaksioner maupun radikal dari rakyatnya itu sendiri.

Sistem Pemerintahan Indonesia

a. Sistem Pemerintahan Negara Indonesia Berdasarkan UUD 1945 Sebelum Diamandemen.

Pokok-pokok sistem pemerintahan negara Indonesia berdasarkan UUD 1945 sebelum diamandemen tertuang dalam Penjelasan UUD 1945 tentang tujuh kunci pokok sistem pemerintahan negara tersebut sebagai berikut :

1. Indonesia adalah negara yang berdasarkan atas hukum (rechtsstaat).
2. Sistem Konstitusional.
3. Kekuasaan negara yang tertinggi di tangan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat.
4. Presiden adalah penyelenggara pemerintah negara yang tertinggi dibawah Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat.
5. Presiden tidak bertanggung jawab kepada Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat.
6. Menteri negara ialah pembantu presiden, menteri negara tidak bertanggungjawab kepada Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat.
7. Kekuasaan kepala negara tidak tak terbatas.

b. Sistem pemerintahan Negara Indonesia Berdasarkan UUD 1945 Setelah Diamandemen.

Sekarang ini sistem pemerintahan di Indonesia masih dalam masa transisi. Sebelum diberlakukannya sistem pemerintahan baru berdasarkan UUD 1945 hasil amandemen keempat tahun 2002, sistem pemerintahan Indonesia masih mendasarkan pada UUD 1945 dengan beberapa perubahan seiring dengan adanya transisi menuju sistem pemerintahan yang baru. Sistem pemerintahan baru diharapkan berjalan mulai tahun 2004 setelah dilakukannya Pemilu 2004.

Berdasarkan undang – undang dasar 1945 sistem pemerintahan Negara Republik Indonesia adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Negara Indonesia berdasarkan atas hukum, tidak berdasarkan kekuasaan belaka.
2. Pemerintahan berdasarkan atas sistem konstitusi (hukum dasar) tidak bersifat absolutisme (kekuasaan yang tidak terbatas) .
3. Kekuasaan Negara yang tertinggi berada di tangan majelis permusyawaratan rakyat.
4. Presiden adalah penyelenggara pemerintah Negara yang tertinggi dibawah MPR. Dalam menjalankan pemerintahan Negara kekuasaan dan tanggung jawab adalah ditangan prsiden.
5. Presiden tidak bertanggung jawab kepada DPR. Presiden harus mendapat persetujuan dewan perwakilan rakyat dalam membentuk undang – undang dan untuk menetapkan anggaran dan belanja Negara.
6. Menteri Negara adalah pembantu presiden yang mengangkat dan memberhentikan mentri Negara. Menteri Negara tidak bertanggung jawab kepada DPR.
7. Kekuasaan kepala Negara tidak terbatas. presiden harus memperhatikan dengan sungguh – sungguh usaha DPR.

Daftar harga HPK Adsense 2013

ini mungkin daftar keyword untuk Adsense yang paling dicari-cari sobat blogger. Karena jika sobat membuat artikel dengan keywords Adsense dibawah ini, maka setiap klik iklannya akan dihargai sesuai list yang saya tuliskan dibawah. Bahkan ada yang harga 1 kliknya sampai ($ 179.01).  Dengan nilai cost per clikc (CPC) segitu sudah pasti penghasilan Adsense sobat akan bertambah dengan cepat. Ini bukti bahwa Adsense ternyata juga membayar mahal atau tinggi untuk blog berbahasa Indonesia.

Daftar keyword ini merupakan hasil pencarian menggunakan Google Adwords. So tunggu apa lagi, buat anda yang hobi bermain adsense, cobalah buat artikel dengan kata kunci dari Daftar HPK Adsense 2013 ini.

Berikut ini adalah daftar high paying keyword (HPK) google adsense 2013 termahal saat ini, dan patut untuk dipertimbangkan untuk menjadi niche atau bahasan untuk blok kita, betapa tidak? Nilai klik nya yang tinggi sungguh menggoda, namun juga bahasan dan saingannya berat.

Share Daftar High Paying Keyword (HPK) Google Adsense 2013 :

MET AUTO ($93.70)
NEUSON ($92.89)
WEBEX COSTS ($92.38)
CAR DONATE ($ 88.26 )

Insurance, Treatment, Loans, Attorney, Mortgage, Hosting, Rehab, Classes, Transfer,Recovery,
Software, Claim, Trading, Lawyer,Donate, Credit, Conference Call, Degree, Gas/ Electricity, Cord Blood

Nah bayangkan saja jika satu hari ada yang ngklik adsense dengan kata kunci tersebut,bakalan mudah mendapatkan 100$ dari google adsense. Itulah beberapa daftar high paying keyword (HPK) google adsense 2013 yang saya peroleh dari berbagai sumber. Semoga bisa bermanfaat dan membantu bagi para publisher publisher google adsense.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Preventing And Reversing Data Loss

One of the most stressful times that a simple student or employee may encounter is a loss of an important file on the computer. It can be a day of doom if you are due to submit your paper or make a presentation and at the worst possible moment your file is deleted. Thus, data recovery may be the answer you are looking for. Data recovery is technology that will help you to salvage lost data. First things first, you may want to take out your rolodex and try calling your tech-savvy friends to help you out. In case you have no more choice, you just might have to spend a little bit to get yourself a data recovery software or a specialist to help you out.

1. Determine What's Wrong: 

- your computer will not start at all

- blue screen of death

- your computer boots up, but files are missing or are corrupted

- your computer opens up but you cannot seem to find some of your other drives

2. Weird Sounds

Before doing anything, try to hear if there are any sounds coming from your hard drive like a weird scratching, scraping or ticking. If you do hear something like it, then it is enough to conclude that your hardware may be physically damaged. The only possibility for you is to take your computer to a data recovery service where experts might be able to get your data off for you. Of course, this would entail a lot of time and money, so you may want to weigh the value of the data you lost before going a step further.

3. Do-It-Yourself Data Recovery Tips: 

- Acquire and download software to help you out

- Not all software is free

- Attach your hard drive to another computer if your computer has only a single drive. This is to provide enough space to store all your data

- If your computer has a rollback safety feature, try and roll back to a previous saved state to restore damage

4. Possible Causes Of Damage: 

- Lightning strike

- Virus

- Hard drive failure

- Accidental deletion of data

- Water/fire damage

- Improper software installation overwriting important data

5. Be Prepared - Make Backups

Having back-ups is the only solution to your data loss problems. They come in various forms: 

- Virus protection software

- Personal firewall

- CD backup

- DVD backup

- RAID hard drive

6. Back-Up Tips

- Try investing in backup software of good quality and performance. Products that leave you secured from data loss disaster or further computer file crashes are always a good investment.

- Double check the restore capability. The software should have features that guarantee that while the product is performing your back up it checks all the data down to the level of bits and bytes. 

- Double check the capability of your back up medium. Invest on the best back up software you can get and at the same time, for the purposes of prevention, start manually and diligently backing up your data regularly. 

- Do an inspection of your hard drives from time to time. Always be on guard of viruses and spywares that can possibly crash your hardware. Defrag your computer regularly to correct errors and check bad sectors as soon as they are detected.

- Be sure you conduct a proper documentation of what transpired during the data loss disaster, what you have observed, as it progresses and the things you attempted doing to give your files the first aid. This will help the data recovery expert to track the problem and recommend the best solution for your problem.

Navigating The Stock Trading Systems

Stock trading is the process of buying and selling shares of stock. Almost everybody has heard about the stock trading system, but not everybody knows how this trading system works. Most people wonder how it is possible to trade billions of shares everyday. It does not matter if you do not know the technical side of the system. However, if you are planning to engage in stock trading, you must have a basic understanding of how the stock trading system works. Stock exchanges use two basic methods to execute the trading. The first is on the exchange floor and the second is electronically. 

On the Exchange Floor
Hundreds of people rushing around, talking and shouting on phones, their eyes on computer monitors, and fingers on keyboards. This is the picture, which comes to our minds when we think about an exchange floor. Keeping in view this chaotic atmosphere, you might feel it a very complicated process to execute trading on the exchange floor. However, it is not as complicated as it seems at first. The following is a simple example that helps to understand the basics of how a trade is executed on the exchange floor. 

When you decide to buy a certain number of shares of a specific company in the market, you ask your broker to do it for you.

The broker passes your order to the order department, which then sends your order to the floor clerk working in the exchange. 

The floor clerk lets the floor trader of that specific firm know about your order. The trader finds another floor trader, who is willing to sell the number of shares you desire. This is where things look quite complicated, but it is not that difficult to comprehend. The floor trader has an idea, which floor trader will meet your requirement. The floor trader knows every detail about which floor traders trade in specific stocks. 

When the floor trader finds someone, who is willing to sell the shares, after a few negotiations, they finalize the price and complete the deal.

Depending upon the stock and the market, the complete process may take from a few minutes to a few hours. The broker then notifies you about the deal. 

Electronic Execution of Trading
The stock trading can also be executed through an electronic channel, where a firm does not need to deal with floor traders. It all works through a vast computer network that connects the buyers and the sellers. Indeed, it is more efficient and faster than the exchange floor. However, if you are looking to buy or sell shares individually, you still need to execute the process through a broker, as individuals do not get access to electronic markets. Your broker passes your order to the system, and the system in turn finds a buyer or seller for your order.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Jadwal 12 besar Divisi Utama 2013

12 tim yg lolos ke babak 12 besar Divisi Utama Liga Indonesia
Grup 1 : PS Bangka, Persisko Tanjabbar
Grup 2 : PSCS Cilacap, Persikabo Bogor, PSIS Semarang
Grup 3 : Persebaya Surabaya, Perseba Super Bangkalan, Perseta Tulungagung
Grup 4 : Perserui Serui, PSBS Biak
Grup 5 : Persik Kediri, PS Mojokerto Putra

Pembagian Grup 12 Besar
Grup A : PSCS Cilacap, Persik Kediri, Persisko Tanjabar, Perseta Tulungagung
Grup B : Persebaya Surabaya, PS Bangka, PSBS Biak, PSIS Semarang
Grup C : Perserui Serui, Persikabo Kab Bogor, Perseba Super Bangkalan, PS Mojokerto Putra

Jadwal Pertandingan
Putaran 1
Match Day 1, Jumat (28/6)
Grup A : PSCS vs Persisko, Persik vs Perseta
Grup B : Persebaya vs PSBS, PS Bangka vs PSIS
Grup C : Perseru vs Perseba Super, Persikabo vs PSMP

Match Day 2, Rabu (3/7)
Grup A : Persisko vs Persik, Perseta vs PSCS
Grup B : PSBS vs PS Bangka, PSIS vs Persebaya
Grup C : Perseba Super vs Persikabo, PSMP vs Perseru

Match Day 3, Senin (8/7)
Grup A : Persisko vs Perseta, PSCS vs Persik
Grup B : PSBS vs PSIS, Persebaya vs PS. Bangka
Grup C : Perseba Super vs PSMP, Perseru vs Persikabo

Putaran 2
March Day 4, Senin (19/8)
Grup A : Persisko vs PSCS, Perseta vs Persik
Grup B : PSBS vs Persebaya, PSIS vs PS. Bangka
Grup C : Perseba Super vs Perseru, PSMP vs Persikabo

March Day 5, Sabtu (24/8)
Grup A : Persik vs Persisko, PSCS vs Perseta
Grup B : PS. Bangka vs PSBS Biak, Persebaya vs PSIS
Grup C : Persikabo vs Perseba Super, Perseru vs PSMP

March Day 6, Kamis (29/8)
Grup A : Perseta vs Persisko, Persik vs PSCS
Grup B : PSIS vs PSBS, PS. Bangka vs Persebaya
Grup C : PSMP vs Perseba Super, Persikabo vs Perseru

Catatan :
- Masing-masing juara grup (A, B, C) dan 1 runner up terbaik akan melaju ke babak semifinal yg rencananya akan digelar pada tanggal 6 September 2013, sedangkan finalnya pada tanggal 10 september 2013.
- Peringkat 1, 2 dan 3 akan mendapatkan tiket langsung untuk promosi ke ISL, sedangkan peringkat 4 harus mengikuti babak play off melawan peringkat 15 ISL pada tanggal 17 September 2013.

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