
Friday, April 19, 2013

Tricks for Safe Laptop From Viruses

Many of us these days are reliant on our computers for a large number of tasks. From social uses like conversing with friends via Skype and e-mail or catching up with the latest on Facebook, to more important and technical jobs like financial management and business productivity. 

Without our computers then many of us would be somewhat stuck, and most of us will store vast amounts of sensitive personal data on them – all of which makes it absolutely crucial that you use the very best computer virus protection to ensure that a) you can keep working effectively with your computer, and b) your computer is secure and your personal details are safe. Here we will look at a few ways you can keep your computer cleaner and avoid problems before they arrive. 

1. Browse Carefully 

Most computer viruses come from the internet and there are a number of ways this can happen. One of the biggest culprits when it comes to filling your device with viruses is e-mail – and once a piece of malicious code manages to hack into your mail it will then proliferate itself by getting you to message everyone on your contacts list with it. 

As such then you need to be wary of any e-mails that don't sound like your friends wrote it – even if they're the senders. At the same time of course be suspicious of e-mails from unknown senders as these ones could just be malicious. In short make sure that you are general suspicious of all e-mails you don't instantly recognize and make sure you don't open up any attachments. 

Likewise some viruses can come from simply browsing the web, and generally this happens when you're looking at sites that dubious to begin with. Avoid any site with too many pop ups or that's giving away free downloads. 

Other little tips can help you to avoid getting viruses while browsing too. For instance you should make sure that you use a good browser – and some browsers will be more likely than others to protect your PC. At the same time you can make sure to use the right devices and if you do need to surf a site that you don't trust, then you might want to consider doing this with a phone or tablet device which are less prone to picking up viruses. 

Run the Right Software 

Of course your first line of defence when it comes to computer virus protection is just to have the best anti-virus software on your machine which will help to filter anything that comes through and that can eliminate threats once they've been identified. However just having the best computer virus protection software isn't going to cut it – you also need to make sure that you keep it up to date by installing any updates as they come through (so that you have all the most recent virus definitions and don't get infected by something your software hasn't heard about yet) and that you run checks regularly to make sure that nothing slips through the net pun intended.


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